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THE BASIC DEPOSITS OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH as explained to the believers over the years through The Catechism of the Catholic Church
THE Faith of the Church
Ek glo in God die almagtige Vader.......
To learn more about the deposit of Faith in the Catholic Church, and its explanations
A overview of the most important facets of our Catholic Faith gives us a glance into the rich tradition and practice we have inherited over the years.
Die Twee Liefdesgebooie
Die Goue Reël
Die Saligsprekinge
Die Drie Goddelike Deugde
Die Vier Kardinale Deugde
Die Sewe Gawes van die Heilige Gees
Die Twaalf Vrugte van die Heilige Gees
Die Vyf Voorskrifte van die Kerk
Die Sewe Liggaamlike Werke van Barmhartigheid
Die Sewe Geestelike Werke van Barmhartigheid
Die Sewe Doodsondes
Die Vier Laaste Dinge